Temporary Solutions Timesheet


Attention temporaries employed through Temporary Solutions: If you are unable to access the Integrated HR-Payroll System due to the recent NCID system update, you may complete a “paper” timesheet, which can be found in the documents below and submit it by email to ts.timesheets@nc.gov.  Timesheets must be signed by the employee and their supervisor and received via email or fax by the close of business on Wednesday, October 19, 2022.

When completing your timesheet, please ensure time worked October 1-7 is entered in the row “Week 1” and time worked October 8-14 is entered in the row “Week 2.”  Please use your full legal name (including middle name).  If you do not know your Personnel ID# (also known as PERNR or BEACON ID), please be sure to enter the last four digits of your SSN in the proper field so we can identify you.

This process also should be followed by any temporaries whose supervisor or time administrator cannot access the Integrated HR-Payroll System to approve or enter time.