Public sector employees from state agencies and public institutions will be recognized today for completing the rigorous North Carolina Certified Public Manager® Program (CPM) during the program’s commencement ceremony.
Public sector employees from state agencies and public institutions will be recognized today for completing the rigorous North Carolina Certified Public Manager® Program (CPM) during the program’s commencement ceremony.
Seven state employees from three state agencies and two University of North Carolina System institutions were honored with the Governor’s Awards for Excellence during a ceremony at the North Carolina Museum of History.
Forty-one state employees from nine state agencies and four University of North Carolina System institutions were honored with the Governor’s Awards for Excellence during a ceremony at the North Carolina Museum of History.
Public sector employees from state agencies and public institutions will be recognized today for completing the rigorous North Carolina Certified Public Manager® Program (CPM) during the program’s commencement ceremony.
State Human Resources Director Barbara Gibson will visit Thomasville Primary School at 10:30 a.m. on September 26 to donate school supplies for Thomasville City Schools.