About/Info - Review of Existing Rules

Periodic Review of Rules

N.C. Gen. Stat. § 150B-21.3A, adopted in 2013 and revised in July 2019 by Session Law 2019-140, requires state agencies to review existing rules every 10 years according to a schedule set by the Rules Review Commission. The NC Office of State Human Resources’ rules are located in Title 25 of the NC Administrative Code

During the period of rules review, state agencies are required to evaluate each of the existing rules and make an initial determination from either two classifications:

  • Unnecessary – the agency determines that the rule is obsolete, redundant or otherwise not needed.
  • Necessary – the agency determines that the rule is any rule other than an unnecessary rule. 

Once initial determinations are made, a report is issued by the Rules Review Commission and public comments are accepted for at least 60 days, providing an opportunity for public feedback on the agency classifications of existing rules. 

Current Rules Under Review and Available for Public Comment

  • 25 NCAC 01D Compensation;
  • 25 NCAC 01E Employee Benefits;
  • 25 NCAC 01K Personnel Training;
  • 25 NCAC 01L Equal Opportunity;
  • 25 NCAC 01M Interchange of Government Employees; and
  • 25 NCAC 01N Workplace Environment and Health.

The Comment Period begins March 25, 2025, and ends at 5:00 p.m. on May 24, 2025.  

Instructions on Submitting a Comment

The public may provide written comments to existing rules, within the designated comment period, by mail or email at:

US Mail
Attn: Blake Thomas
NC Office of State Human Resources
Rules Comments 
333 Fayetteville Street, Raleigh, NC 27601 
1331 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1331

Subject: Rules Comment

Please include the rule citation that your comment concerns. (ex: 25 NCAC 01D, 01E, 01K, 01L, 01M and/or 01N) 

A “public comment” is defined by N.C. Gen. Stat. § 150B-21.3A(a)(5) as a written comment objecting to the rule, in whole or in part, or objecting to an agency’s determination of the rule as necessary or unnecessary, received by an agency from any member of the public. Additionally, for the Rules Review Commission to determine whether a public comment has merit, the public comment must address the specific substance of the rule and address any of the standards of Commission review, as set forth in N.C. Gen. Stat. § 150B-21.9(a).

Notification of OSHR Rulemaking

If you would like to receive notices regarding rules undergoing rules review that are open for public comment under N.C. Gen. Stat. § 150B-21.3A, please request to be added to our OSHR Rules listserve by emailing Denise.Mazza@nc.gov

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