Service Awards

State employee service awards logo



Service awards recognize state employees' total state service beginning with the completion of the probationary period, at five years and then in increments of five years through retirement. The value of the award increases in proportion to tenure.

Excellence in Service, North Carolina’s employee service awards program, celebrates length-of-service milestones of employee service to state government. The program is a partnership between the Office of State Human Resources, Correction Enterprises in the Department of Adult Correction and the Museum of History in the Department of Cultural Resources.

The Excellence in Service awards program: 

  • Offers products made primarily in North Carolina or, at a minimum, made in the USA;
  • Celebrates North Carolina’s heritage, culture, symbols and craftsmen;
  • Offers unique products that, for the most part, cannot be purchased; and
  • Creates efficiencies by operating the program within state government.

This program was designed to recognize employees for their length of service and teach offenders within the Department of Adult Correction valuable skills to aid in successful re-entry into society while keeping money spent on service awards within the state. The service awards, themselves, are unique items crafted especially for the Employee Service Awards program. Most of the items are made by offenders within the Department of Adult Correction through Correction Enterprises, while others are handmade by North Carolina artisans.


Each employee who is eligible to receive a service award will receive instructions from your agency's coordinator to select the award of your choice. To browse the awards, click on a service milestone below:

5 Years25 Years
10 Years30 Years
15 Years35+ Years
20 Years 

Ring Sizing

For employees who wish to select a ring, print this Ring Sizing Tool to make sure you select the right size.

Service Awards Coordinators

Excellence in Service celebrates North Carolina’s public servants and connects them with the heritage, symbols, and traditions of our great state. The Office of State Human Resources will continue to evaluate the program to be sure the business needs of the state are being met and that the state employees of North Carolina are being offered a meaningful and relevant service awards program.
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