NC State Government Recognition Philosophy

Genuine recognition of performance is something people really appreciate. People really don't work for money. They go to work for it, but once the salary has been established, their concern is appreciation. Recognize their contribution publicly and noisily, but don't demean them by applying a price tag to everything.

— Phillip B. Crosby, Quality is Free

The State of North Carolina is noted for having loyal, efficient and dedicated employees who provide valuable services to every citizen of the State.  North Carolina is proud of this tradition of public service and the competent, committed and dedicated employees who provide these services to and for the state.

To express its appreciation to its valued employees, the State has adopted a policy of recognizing employees for committed dedicated and outstanding service.  Thus, the State Employee Recognition Program is a significant component of the Human Resources System. 

Program Purpose

The purpose of North Carolina State Government's Employee Recognition Program is to:

  • provide management tools to recognize ongoing employee dedication, a means to reinforce and acknowledge significant contributions,  and retain employee commitment
  • educate North Carolina citizens about the significant contributions state government employees make to the quality of our lives
  • encourage esprit de corps among government employees and
  • promote state government careers

The State of North Carolina is committed to recognizing and rewarding our loyal employees. Award programs consist of:

  • Excellence in Service Awards beginning upon the end of probation and in five year increments thereafter
  • Governors Awards for Excellence is awarded for outstanding accomplishments and is the highest award that a State Employee may receive
  • Caswell Award is named after Richard Caswell and is awarded to employees with 45 or more years of dedicated service
  • Employee Appreciation is noted by proclaiming either a month, week, or day to show appreciation for our employees
  • Memorial Program honors State employees who lose their lives while in the line of service for North Carolina
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