Purpose of State Human Resources Commission

The State Human Resources Commission was established in July 1965. The purpose of the Commission was to establish a system of human resources administration, under the appointment of the Governor, based on accepted principles of human resources administration and applying best practices as changes in government and industry evolve.

Duties of State Human Resources Commission

The State Human Resources Commission (Commission), with the approval of the Governor, establishes policies and practices governing the areas outlined in G.S. 126-4.  


The nine (9) members of the Commission are appointed for four-year terms by the Governor and the General Assembly. The composition of the Commission is as follows:

  1. One member appointed by the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Speaker of the House of Representatives who shall be an attorney licensed to practice law in North Carolina.
  2. One member appointed by the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the President Pro Tempore of the Senate who shall be an attorney licensed to practice law in North Carolina.
  3. One member appointed by the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Speaker of the House of Representatives who shall be from private business or industry and who shall have a working knowledge of, or practical experience in human resources management.
  4. One member appointed by the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the President Pro Tempore of the Senate who shall be from private business or industry and who shall have a working knowledge of, or practical experience in human resources management.
  5. One member who is a veteran of the Armed Forces of the United States appointed by the Governor upon the nomination of the Veterans Affairs Commission and who is a State employee subject to the State Human Resources Act serving in a nonexempt supervisory position. The member may not be a human resources professional.
  6. One member appointed by the Governor who is a State employee subject to the State Human Resources Act serving in a nonexempt nonsupervisory position. The member may not be a human resources professional. The Governor shall consider nominations submitted by the State Employees Association of North Carolina.
  7. One member appointed by the Governor upon the recommendation of the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners who is a local government employee subject to the State Human Resources Act serving in a supervisory position. The member may not be a human resources professional.
  8. One member appointed by the Governor upon the recommendation of the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners who is a local government employee subject to the State Human Resources Act serving in a nonsupervisory position. The member may not be a human resources professional.
  9. One member of the public at large appointed by the Governor.


The State Human Resources Commission meets quarterly. The quarterly meetings start at 9:00 am and are usually adjourned by 12:00 pm. The meetings take place at the OSHR at 333 Fayetteville Street, Fl 3, Raleigh, NC and/or virtually via Webex. The Webex meeting information is below.

The meeting consists of the business session and an executive session when necessary. During the business session of the meeting, the Commission will review and consider agency reports and policies presented by the Office of State Human Resources staff. Meetings are public except for the executive session. Five members of the commission constitute a quorum.

Read State Human Resources Commission Policy

Upcoming Commission Meetings

The next regularly scheduled meeting of the State Human Resources Commission is Thursday, April 17, 2025 @ 9 a.m.  This meeting will be via teleconference only with instructions provided below: 

Teleconference instructions are provided below:

Join the meeting from your computer or phone.

Invitees: Use the "Join Meeting" link/button.

Public access can be obtained as follows:

Login to NCGov.Webex.com

Select "Join a meeting" at the top of the page.

Select "Enter meeting information."

Enter the meeting number: 2428 604 2157

Enter the Password: nHfGRS6CW83

Select "Join a meeting."

You can also dial in using your phone:+1-415-655-0003 US Toll

                                                                   +1-904-900-2303 United States Toll (Jacksonville)


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