Preventing Unlawful Workplace Harassment

man holding business card


All state employees should feel safe, engaged and supported in their work and the workplace. The State of North Carolina has zero tolerance for unlawful workplace harassment. We encourage employees to report harassment, and we take reports seriously. We also encourage co-workers and supervisors to learn what harassment looks like, as well as know how to prevent and report it.

Statewide Policies

These are links to statewide policies that are applicable to unlawful workplace harassment prevention. Please note that each individual agency or university may have additional information to share.

Web-Based Resources

These links provide additional resources that contain information related to unlawful workplace harassment. The Office of State Human Resources can offer guidance and consultation relating to policy. Employee Assistance Program, through McLaughlin Young provides work-life services to help employees manage and overcome personal life issues. There are a numnber of other resources employees may also find helpful.

Job Aids for Employees and Supervisors

These job aids provide a road map for supervisors and employees concerning unlawful workplace harassment prevention.

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Training Opportunities for State Employees and Supervisors

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There are many training opportunities available for supervisors and employees related to Unlawful Workplace Harassment. Available courses, along with descriptions and schedules, are accessible to State of North Carolina employees via the NC Learning Center .

The Equal Employment Opportunity Diversity Fundamentals (EEODF) is intended to provide State government executives, managers and supervisors with practical training that will assist them in becoming more effective managers and supervisors of an increasingly diverse workforce. The EEODF is intended to increase understanding among managers and supervisors of their roles and responsibilities in managing employees from different backgrounds and cultures, and the corresponding laws, policies and employment practices and techniques complementing this purpose.

Preventing Workplace Harassment

Work life training resources provided through McLaughlin Young.