
Your Safety is Our #1 Priority!


Collisions Involving Pedestrians

Each year in North Carolina, motor vehicles injure on average 2,030 pedestrians, including 251 fatalities.


Chance of Severe Injury or Death

A pedestrian struck by a vehicle traveling 40 mph has a 73 percent chance of suffering severe injury or death. Driving slower saves lives.


People Killed By Distracted Drivers

In 2020, U.S. motor vehicle crashes involving distracted drivers killed 3,142 people.

WalkSmartNC Pedestrian Safety Training

Pedestrian Safety Message from Director Gibson

This message from Director Barbara Gibson outlines the importance of pedestrian and driver safety in honor of October being Pedestrian Safety Month.

WalkSmartNC Pedestrian Safety Training for State Employees

This training addresses the importance of pedestrian and driver safety in all areas of North Carolina. The training was held in-person and includes questions from the audience. 

Part 1: Pedestrian Safety Basics

This training addresses common pedestrian safety issues and where to find resources and other information to connect with WalkSmartNC and other initiatives

Part 2: Pedestrian Safety Basics

This training addresses how North Carolina is improving pedestrian safety, what state employees can do to improve conditions for walking, and where to find resources and other information to connect with WalkSmartNC and other initiatives.