Workplace Safety Policies, Reports & Forms



Incident Investigation and Reporting Program - The purpose of this program is to establish guidelines and tools for state agencies and universities to implement effective training, documentation, investigation and reporting of work-related incidents and injuries. 

Space Heater Use Program – covers safe guidelines for the use of space heaters when work areas cannot maintain a 68°F to 76°F degree temperature threshold.

Personal Protective Equipment Program - establishes guidelines for employees who may encounter workplace hazards that require personal protective equipment (PPE). 


North Carolina State Employees Workplace Requirements Program for Safety and Health Report – Pursuant to G.S. 143-583, the State Human Resources Commission is required to report annually to the Joint Legislative Commission on Governmental Operations on the safety and health activities of State agencies, compliance with the Article 63 of Chapter 143, and the fines levied against State agencies pursuant to Article 16 of Chapter 95 of the General Statutes.

Safety Forms

OSHA Occupational Injury & Illness Recordkeeping FormThis link provides all the information needed in order to document and answer OSHA reporting questions related to an accident/incident in the workplace. 

Safety Inspection Checklist

Safety Orientation Checklist

Employee Ergonomic Self-Evaluation Form


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