WalkSmartNC is one of many programs aimed at increasing driver and pedestrian safety. Below are links to other programs, both right here in North Carolina and around the globe, that provide useful resources on the topic of pedestrian safety.
Additional Resources
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- BikeWalk NC
- BikeWalk NC’s education mission is to provide high quality information that is relevant to local conditions in North Carolina. Knowledge empowers pedestrians and bicyclists to use our transportation system more successfully and to be effective advocates for positive change.
- Governor's Highway Safety Program
- Dedicated to reducing the numbers of traffic crashes and fatalities in North Carolina, the Governor’s Highway Safety Program promotes efforts to reduce traffic crashes in North Carolina and promotes highway safety awareness through a variety of grants and safe-driving initiatives.
- Let's Go NC
- Let's Go NC! A Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Skills Program for Healthy, Active Children is an all-in-one package of lesson plans, materials, activities and instructional videos for instructors to teach and encourage children to practice and develop safe pedestrian and bicycle behaviors while promoting healthy transportation choices and active lifestyles that can be carried into adulthood.
- NCDOT Division of Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation
- In response to the Bicycle & Bikeway Act of 1974, the N.C. Department of Transportation established the North Carolina Bicycle Program – the first of its kind in the United Sates – to undertake comprehensive planning and programming for bicycle transportation.
- NCSU Institute for Transportation Research and Education
- Training on pedestrian and bicycle planning, facilities design, complete streets, and safe walking and bicycling skills are some of the types of course ITRE offers. ITRE also focuses on answering operations, safety, education, and policy research questions that directly meet needs of practitioners in the field.
- NC Vision Zero
- Utilizing the 5 E’s approach (engineering, education, enforcement, emergency response, everyone), NC Vision Zero unites engineers, educators, emergency responders, law enforcement, and everyone in a cooperative effort to make North Carolina streets safe for all road users.
- Watch for Me NC
- Watch for Me NC is a comprehensive program, run by the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) in partnership with local communities, aimed at reducing the number of pedestrians and bicyclists hit and injured in crashes with vehicles.
- UNC Highway Safety Research Center
- The University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center is working hard to help shape the field of transportation safety.
- America Walks
- America Walks, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit national organization is leading the way in advancing safe, equitable, accessible, and enjoyable places to walk and move by giving people and communities the resources to effectively advocate for change.
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- CDC is the nation’s health protection agency, working 24/7 to protect America from health and safety threats, both foreign and domestic. CDC increases the health security of our nation.
- Children's Safety Network
- The Children’s Safety Network works with state and jurisdiction Maternal and Child Health and Injury and Violence prevention programs to create an environment in which all infants, children, and youth are safe and healthy.
- Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Office of Safety
- Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Pedestrian Safety Virtual Booth
- Governors Highway Safety Association
- GHSA advocates for states and territories to improve traffic safety and promote best practices.
- National Highway Traffics Safety Administration
- The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is responsible for keeping people safe on America’s roadways.
- National Safety Council
- The National Safety Council is America’s leading nonprofit safety advocate – and has been for over 100 years.
- Safe Kids Worldwide
- Safe Kids Worldwide® is a nonprofit organization working to help families and communities keep kids safe from injuries.
- Safe States Pedestrian Injury Prevention Portal
- Safe States Alliance
- The Safe States Alliance is a national non-profit 501(c)(3) organization and professional association whose mission is to strengthen the practice of injury and violence prevention.
- Smart Growth America
- Smart Growth America works with everyone involved in the process of urban planning and development to think strategically about building better towns and cities.
- United States Department of Transportation | Federal Highway Administration Resource Catalog
- The Resource Catalog is designed to make it easier for pedestrian safety activists to locate and acquire resources.
- United States Department of Transportation | Virtual Pedestrian Safety Booth
- Check out the Pedestrian Safety Booth from the USDOT's Summit on Pedestrian Safety - Virtual Series.
- World Health Organization (WHO)
- The WHO's primary role is to direct and coordinate international health within the United Nations system. Its main areas of work are health systems; health through the life-course; noncommunicable and communicable diseases; preparedness, surveillance and response; and corporate services.
- Walkablity Checklist
- The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration provides guidance and a checklist to determine how walkable a community is, including how to identify problems and work toward solutions.