Class Specifications - B

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On March 13, 2023, Governor Roy Cooper signed Executive Order 278, Recognizing the Value of Experience in State Government. Currently, most state job classifications allow experience to be substituted for education or do not require a higher education degree.  OSHR is currently working with state agencies to evaluate the minimum education and experience requirements in all state job classifications.  As a part of this process, it may be necessary to update some classification specifications. To learn more about the Order, visit EO 278 FAQs.

Job Classification Job Code Salary Grade
Baker 32000000 NC01
Banking Executive 32000242 NC18
Banking Manager I 32000243 NC15
Banking Manager II 32000244 NC16
Barber 32000752 NC01
Beautician 32000754 NC01
Behavior Analyst 32001751 MH16
Behavioral Programming Specialist 32000337 NC04
Behavioral Programming Technician 32000338 NC02
Behavioral Treatment Technician 32001022 MH03
Boiler & Pressure Vessel Inspector 32000933 NC15
Boiler & Pressure Vessel Inspector Supv 32000934 NC16
Boiler Inspection Assistant Director 32000935 NC17
Boiler Inspection Director 32000936 NC18
Boiler Operator 32000755 NC06
Boiler Operator Lead 32000756 NC07
Bridge Inspection Superintendent 32000757 NC18
Bridge Inspection Supervisor I 32000758 NC16
Bridge Inspection Supervisor II 32000759 NC17
Bridge Inspector I 32000760 NC07
Bridge Inspector II 32000761 NC11
Bridge Inspector III 32000762 NC15
Bridge Operator 32000763 NC03
Budget Analyst I 32000245 NC14
Budget Analyst II 32000246 NC16
Budget Analyst III 32000247 NC18
Budget Director 32000248 NC25
Budget Manager I 32000249 NC21
Budget Manager II 32000250 NC23
Business Director 32000251 NC22
Business Enterprise Consultant I 32000252 NC10
Business Enterprise Consultant II 32000253 NC11
Business Manager I 32000254 NC19
Business Manager II 32000255 NC20
Business Officer I 32002407 NC14
Business Officer II 32000256 NC17
Business Services Coordinator I 32000257 NC07
Business Services Coordinator II 32000258 NC09
Business Systems Analyst I 32000259 NC16
Business Systems Analyst II 32000260 NC19
Business Systems Analyst Manager 32000261 NC23
Business Systems Analyst Supervisor 32000262 NC22
Business Systems Manager 32000263 NC23
Business Systems Support Specialist 32000264 NC14
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This page was last modified on 12/13/2023